The Synthetic Amorphous Silica and Silica Industry Association (SASSI) was certified as a District of Columbia Non-Profit Corporation (IRS 501(c)(6) corporation) on July 18, 2007.
SASSI currently has 7 members representing the majority of synthetic amorphous silica (SAS) and silicate (SASilicates) producers in the US and Europe.
SASSI came together as an association of companies in 1993, commensurate with the 1992 formation of the Association of Synthetic Amorphous Silica Producers (ASASP), a Sector Group within Cefic (www.cefic.org), one of the leading European trade associations with offices in Brussels.
SASSI provides a forum to address industry-wide questions arising during production related activities as well as ecotoxicity, toxicology and regulatory matters related to the use of synthetic amorphous silica and silicates.